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Ultrasound case: Hitachi ARIETTA 60 cannot be turned on normally, troubleshooting
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Ultrasound case: Hitachi ARIETTA 60 cannot be turned on normally, troubleshooting


Latest company case about Ultrasound case:  Hitachi ARIETTA 60 cannot be turned on normally, troubleshooting

Fault phenomenon:


After the Hitachi ARIETTA 60 ultrasound equipment displays the HITACHI logo when it is turned on, the monitor and touch screen have no display, the control panel button lights flash in cycles, and the ultrasound interface cannot be entered normally.



Fault analysis: 


1. After the HITACHI logo appears when the machine is turned on, there is no display, and the control panel button lights flash in cycles, indicating that the power supply of the machine is normal, so it is judged that the fault is caused by a problem at the back end of the machine.
2. The back end of the machine consists of BE motherboard, CELL board and system hard disk. It is on the right side of the machine and can be seen after opening the casing. First, check whether the system is faulty. After replacing the system hard disk, the same fault still occurs when the machine is turned on, so the BE motherboard is locked out.

3. Since the BE motherboard is connected to the TPRB and RDBF boards on the front end, you need to remove the front-end board first and disconnect other power connections on the BE motherboard.

4. After replacing the BE mainboard, the machine started up normally and all probes and functions worked normally.





After replacing the BE motherboard, the machine returned to normal use.